Sitemap - 2021 - Our Kind Kitchen

Time to surrender.

It’s All Too Much

Profile of Joy — Paula Becker

A Profile in Joy — Kristin Korb


Do you get the Sunday afternoon blues?

Profile in Joy — Tara

Discovering the joy of cleaning the litter box.

Profile in Joy — Tom

His laughter opened my chest.

Profile in Joy — Maarten


8 complaints in fifteen minutes, plus popcorn

A PROFILE IN JOY — Maxcianna

That night, my body knew, even if I didn’t.

Joy can only emerge after facing the hard stuff.

Determined, devoted to her joy

Now, allow yourself to catch the rain, in spite of your fears.

It’s time for morning meeting, gang.

Watching a gorgeous young woman eat.

These 10 seconds, on repeat.

This is my favorite habit.

a bringer of light

That first cup of coffee in the morning.

I have an idea for you.

I remember this moment in particular.

You have permission to dance.

let yourself be mediocre at something

Where I need to be

This feels like freedom to me.

This is really about curiosity.

What if we thought about it this way?

Oh my goodness this made me cry.

What if we stopped participating in this?

Let this be a day of rest.

Watch this young woman fly.

This will be a memento someday.

Gained a few pounds after the pandemic?

This is the key to everything.

Seriously, why do we do this?

yes, you do.

Everyone deserves joy.

He knows how to do this.

It probably takes more than 21 days

You really must read this book.

Kick open that door.

The basis of all healthy relationships.

You might want to laminate this.

12 minutes of glee

The Magic Bed and the Gritgrots

what was the last thing you did for fun?

the rest of her life

You can give yourself what you need.

watch this for immediate joy

This one hit home

This small act can change your mind.

Always on time.

What was it for you?

I never thought this would be a big moment.

Sharks are older than trees.

Sometimes joy arrives in unexpected places

They’re really like superheroes.

Do you ever feel like this?

You can choose this.

It all starts with joy.

You can stretch your way into joy.

This is the key to your power.

You might want to try this too.

I want to be like this when I’m 95.

Who wishes to walk with me?

Look up!

Check this off your list.

Finally learning this.

You’re going to want to see these.

Everything shifted when I started doing this.

This was triumphant joy.

Need some joy? Watch these videos.

If we had not gone to Times Square that day...

Sometimes, the solution is simple

This can’t be how we do it.

I had to slow down.

Don’t Stop Me Now

Don’t Stop Me Now

lapping it up

If we don’t all start doing this, nothing changes.

this moment made me realize we will be okay

When you had no boundaries as a kid, what can you do?

My three people have this in common.

Filling the Well

I walked around Manhattan chanting this.

Need some joy? I have ideas.

Enough the book club: The Body Keeps the Score


book club conversation tomorrow

this lovely world. these precious days.

sitting in silence

let’s watch television!

making space for joy

what does joy look like?

prioritizing joy

the joy of feeding people, with Kim Foster

Prioritizing joy

the pandemic brain

enough the book club: Good Talk


expression, not depression

you must watch this

I did nothing.


brain coming back

reading Calvin and Hobbes

The Deepest Well: a story started this

we need more joy

Robyn Puglia


moving through it

finding the deepest well

Let’s check in.

Enough the Book Club

there is no someday. it’s now.

we should talk about that

the feeling of release

the story of a hero

brave enough to be the light

perpetuating the myth of goodness

hold your own

Joy in the Belly newsletter

dive in

we have to stop pretending.

what is happening here?

you do not have to be strong


feeling stressed? try this.

take a panoramic view